Welcome To
Rhode Island Self-Direct Coalition
Empowering individuals to live the lives they choose
Welcome To
Rhode Island Self-Direct Coalition
Empowering individuals to live the lives they choose
Now open in our new Warwick location!
Email here for Brokerage Services info@risdc.org
How We Can Help

Be Prepared
We share resources and provide trainings to help you be better prepared for Self- Direction. We also offer an ABOUT ME portfolio class to help individuals.

If you want to make a difference in your life and the life of others, please contact us.

We're building an Employment Hub for people with Developmental Disabilities who are interested in employment. We will collaborate with other businesses as well.

Our Vision
The Rhode Island Self-Direct Coalition (RISDC) provides information, resources, and guidance to individuals and families interested in Self-Direct services. Empowering individuals to live the lives they choose.
We can assist you in navigating the Developmental Disabilities (DD) System and share information, which helps guide good decisions. Together we can promote inclusion, empower individuals and build a community where we all thrive.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to empowering individuals with Developmental Disabilities to direct their own lives and decisions by providing information, resources and support.
We also support Direct Support Professionals with training and peer support. We feel DSPs are truly part of the team and ongoing training and support will help build a stronger network for all of us.
Providing Life Goals
We foster a culture that takes a person’s entire life into consideration and guide decisions around a person-centered life. We provide education and awareness on a variety of topics including self-advocacy, personal safety, and self-empowerment.

Direct Your Life With Resources to Succeed!
We believe self-determination is a basic human and civil right for all, involving real choice and control. People have the right to real experiences, learning opportunities and relationships. Individuals with disabilities should make their own decisions, control their own money, services and support with assistance.
Here at RISDC, we collaborate with one another to ensure everyone has access to information that is correct and easy to understand.
We support individuals and families by sharing resources so we all understand the system a little better.

Contact Us
Need help getting started or just don’t know where to turn? Leave us a message and one of our team members will reach out to you!